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Exhibitor Registration 2025 OCTM Conference

  • 23 Oct 2025
  • 24 Oct 2025
  • Dayton Convention Center


  • This great opportunity includes a booth in the highest foot traffic location!

    You will receive:
    - a premium single booth location, located in the main hallway near the coffee break location and outside the theater hosting all 4 of our featured speakers
    - advertising on social media and push notifications on the app recognizing your sponsorship of the coffee break

    The coffee break is a break in the schedule, with no sessions happening at that time. Your location will ensure high foot traffic at a time that attendees have some time to stop and chat.

    You have the option of providing OCTM with coffee sleeves, napkins, etc. to promote your product.

    *Note - this coffee break sponsorship includes the booth rental price for a single table. If you would like a double table, please reach out to Rachael Gorsuch, for a custom offer.
  • Includes:
    -Vendor table space at the back of the room during the featured speaker session
    -Advertising at the beginning of the featured speaker session
    -Choice of Vendor Table set-up in the main hallway near the theater hosting our featured speakers
    -Advertising on social media and push notifications on the app
  • -Choice of Vendor Table near the photo booth
    -Prominent advertising near the photo booth
    -Advertising on social media and push notifications on the app
    -Choice of Thursday or Friday - 5 hour session on either day
  • -Space at your booth or near your booth for a book signing and/or author talk at the booth
    -Advertising on social media and push notifications on the app
  • This rental is for two (2) tables at the conference.
  • This is a special rate for non-profit organizations to have one table in the vendor area at the OCTM Conference.
  • Vendors who are returning from the 2023 OCTM conference.
  • Vendors who are returning from the 2023 OCTM conference
  • This fee is for a single table at the conference.
  • This is a special rate for non-profit organizations to have one table in the vendor area at the OCTM Conference.
  • -Thursday evening (open to all conference attendees!)
    -Prominent advertising at the event
    -Advertising on social media and push notifications on the app
  • -Prominent advertising at the event
    -Advertising on social media and push notifications on the app
  • WIFI Password Sponsor with logo on posters with Wifi info
  • -Virtual ads will be promoted through the app (starting tier = $100)
    -2 advertisement boosts on the app (ad appears twice) + additional $50 for each boost
  • -additional advertisement boost on the app additional $50 for each boost


Ohio Council of Mathematics 75th Annual Conference

Dayton Convention Center

Dayton, Ohio

October 23-24, 2024

Thank you for joining us as an exhibitor for the 2025 conference!

When You Click The "REGISTER" button below, you will begin the registration process.

*Please note that payment is required at the time of registration.*

Note: If you are not ready to register or have questions about registration or other aspects of the conference, please contact

Annual Conference Coordinator, Rachael Gorsuch at

OCTM is an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

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