OCTM Position Statements
educators, one of our most important roles is helping others see
perspectives beyond their own. Racism has impacted the lives of African
Americans and Black people in our country for over 400 years. They
continue to suffer, along with people of color and other marginalized
people in our country as their voices and lives are oppressed by those
with privilege. Staying silent in our society when injustice occurs
promotes continued oppression. OCTM is committed to actively supporting,
including, and engaging educators representing all of the diversity in
our communities. We see you; we need you, and we are better with you. We
assume responsibility for working to welcome and elevate all and to
allow your important voices to be heard. We must work together to create
a future for our children where no voices are silenced and where all
lives are equally cherished and valued.
Statement on Ohio House Bill 33
OCTM and three partner Ohio professional organizations adopted this statement on Ohio House Bill 33 on April 20, 2023. Our organizations oppose the language in the bill that would diminish local control of instructional strategies and textbook selection. We urge policymakers to leave these decisions to communities, schools, and educators.
Stance on Ohio House Bill 616 in 2022
OCTM endorsed the position adopted by the Ohio Council for the Social
Studies (OCSS) opposing Ohio House Bill 616 in 2022. Although the OCSS position
addresses social studies classes and educators specifically, OCTM
believes that the same principles and important questions pertain to
mathematics classes and educators. If this bill or a similar one were to become law, the
grave outcome would be the silencing of students, educators, and local
boards of education.
If you would like to get involved in Advocating for Mathematics Education in Ohio, contact Barb Weidus, OCTM Advocacy Chair.