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Membership: Join or Renew

We are excited to welcome you as a new or renewing member of OCTM!  Anyone interested in mathematics education is invited to become part of the OCTM professional community.

Why be part of OCTM?
What opportunities do you and your mathematics colleagues have to participate in informed, collaborative professional growth?  If you are a school leader, do your teachers participate in OCTM?  You can help colleagues become part of this strong network of 3,000+ educators in Ohio.

For new memberships
Please complete the online form that begins below, and you will be able to pay with a credit card online or by check, purchase order, or cash in regular mail. You will receive automated e-mails from our membership site following your submission of the form and payment. Memberships are processed as soon as possible. 

For renewals (and updates of your member information): If you are logged in currently, you should see a link to "Edit your member profile" below. Click this link to start your renewal. If you are not logged in, please log in now by clicking the "person" icon at the upper right, and then click the "Edit your member profile" link. You will be able to pay with a credit card online or by check, purchase order, or cash in regular mail. You will receive automated e-mails from our membership site following your submission of the form and payment. Memberships are processed as soon as possible.

To upgrade from the Essential level to the Premium level:
At any time during the year, you can purchase this upgrade, which will be good through your renewal date.  This will allow you to register at no additional cost for all OCTM professional events beyond the Annual Conference, as well as to access video recordings that we make available to members at the Premium level.  Click here for more information.

Questions regarding memberships and renewals
can be addressed to our Online Membership Manager
, Rachael Ayers, at .
Members who are not in the process of renewing may also report changes of address or other membership information through your member profile at this site (see above for directions).

If you do not wish to use our online form, you can download and mail this form with your check: OCTM Membership Form . Please address questions about this paper form to our Online Membership Manager, Rachael Ayers, at .

OCTM also offers a special membership for those who would like to become a joint member of OCTM and SECO
(Science Education Council of Ohio) for a total of $45 per year.  Members who join OCTM this way will have Essential level benefits.  Please visit this link at the SECO website (and choose the joint OCTM/SECO option) to join both organizations in this way.  (There is no longer a paper form for this membership option.)

If you are interested in joining NCTM (the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics), please visit their website at .

Overview of OCTM Membership Levels

This table provides a brief overview of our membership levels.  Click here to see the detailed member benefits at each level.

*Reduced dues are available for Essential 1-Year memberships ($18) and Preservice Teacher or Full-Time Graduate Student memberships ($5), upon request in the membership/renewal form, based on need. 

Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

OCTM is an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

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